Get to know me
In the future, I aim to engage in ambitious projects alongside a collaborative and supportive team. My goal is to develop innovative apps or solutions that have a meaningful impact on people's lives, driving positive change and improving daily experiences.
Kraków, Poland
Computer Science
Politechnika Śląska w Katowicach
IT technician - High School Degree
Publiczne Technikum Salezjańskie w Oświęcimiu, 2024
IT Essentials - Cisco Diploma
Publiczne Technikum Salezjańskie w Oświęcimiu, 2020

My primary toolkit includes C#, C++, and Python, which I use to develop desktop and console applications. Additionally, I'm comfortable working with JavaScript when needed.

When it comes to web applications, my expertise lies in Node.js and Python with Flask. For database management, I rely on MySQL to design and maintain efficient systems.

On the hardware side, I create devices using Arduino paired with the Arduino IDE or Raspberry Pi with Python.

HelpDesk IT
Maspex, Tychy - 8 months
Fiber Optic Installation Technician
Air Net, Zator - 1 month